2025 March Madness Bracket (Excel and Google Sheet)

March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=96&D=Mm&R=G
March Madness Bracket 2024 Ncaa Men S Basketball Championship Bracket Google Sheets

Our favorite NCAA tournament is finally BACK for 2025!  And we're ready with this year's March Madness Bracket templates for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Download links below!

March Madness 2025 Tipoff in...


UPDATED For 2025!

Your 2025 March Madness Bracket template is here! Whether you are in charge of running your office pool, looking for a bracket to plan your bets, or just a really organized fan of college basketball, we’ve put together an easy to use spreadsheet for tracking this year’s tournament in Excel or Google Sheets.

There are tons of downloadable March Madness brackets out there, so if you’ve come to us to download a copy, it’s probably because you know that our sheets will contain cool features that others won’t (we’re spreadsheet addicts).

If, like us, you’re interested in spreadsheets, keep reading below the links! If you just want to download your 2025 March Madness template, just jump to the bottom of the post.

We’ve added both an Excel and Google Sheets template version for the 2025 Women’s NCAA Division 1 Basketball Championship. Thanks to Angel for the request! 

What we Added

Okay, okay, we actually didn’t add anything too exciting into the March Madness bracket spreadsheet other than some simple Data Validation. The idea came to us pretty late, so we were more focused on getting the template out for the beginning of the tournament.

The template has a section at the bottom for the “First Four” games which will be starting tomorrow! If you look at the main bracket, you’ll see the placeholders such as “VAN / WICH” showing for the slots that are still undetermined. If you’re betting on those slots don’t worry, selecting your choice at the bottom will automatically update that game for the second round (After Vanderbilt Wins!).

First Round Ncaa Selection Animation

Don’t worry, if you only need the template for the 2nd round, it works great for that too, just ignore (or even delete) the first round section at the bottom.

As for the rest of the bracket, you can simply select from a dropdown out of the two teams that you had selected in the previous round. We thought this was a pretty basic idea, but we hadn’t seen it in any of the other March Madness Bracket spreadsheet templates we had looked at, so we figured we’d make one.  And it works just as you’d expect.

Demo Of Our March Madness Bracket Selection Working Automatically

Saving your 2025 March Madness Bracket Picks

Once you (or your friends) have locked in that perfect bracket and need to send it off to the pool organizer, the best thing to do is either print it or export it as PDF. This ensures that your file isn’t easily or accidentally edited and you can claim your undisputed victory prize.

To save the file as a PDF in Google Sheets, simply go to the File menu and select Download as, and then choose the .pdf option.

Save The March Madness Bracket As A Pdf

For the best results, make sure you turn off gridlines and away you go!

Export Your Google Sheets With Gridlines

Thanks and Good luck with your NCAA bracket! If you need some help with your picks, check out the post from FiveThrityEight on some data-backed March Madness predictions.


Mar 16, 2025

  • The bracket has been populated with the teams from Selection Sunday 2025. Good luck with your picks!

Feb 17, 2025

  • The bracket has been cleared in preparation for the 2025 NCAA Tournament.
  • The teams will be updated after Selection Sunday on March 16, 2025

Mar 22, 2024

  • Updated both Men’s and Women’s brackets to include winners from the 2024 First Four. 

Mar 17, 2024

  • Updated the Mens 2024 March Madness Brackets with the teams info from Selection Sunday Today. 
  • Fixed Titles in buttons below showing 2023 March Madness Brackets
  • Fixed issue with 16th seed selector for the First For incorrectly showing the winner. 
  • Updated the Womens 2024 March Madness Bracket with the team info from today

Mar 15, 2024

  • Updated the March Madness Brackets with the 2024 dates from the NCAA schedule.  

Mar 14, 2024

  • The bracket has been cleared in preparation for the 2024 NCAA Tournament.
  • We’ll be adding the teams this Sunday March 17 after the 2024 Selection Sunday, but you can download the blank March Madness bracket now!

Feb 20, 2023

  • The bracket has been cleared in preparation for the 2023 NCAA Tournament.
  • We’ll be adding the teams on March 12 after the 2023 Selection Sunday, but you can download the empty March Madness bracket now!

Mar 14, 2022

  • The bracket has been updated with the teams for the 2022 NCAA Tournament.
  • I’ve fixed the issue with the First Four teams populating in placements from the 2021 tournament. 

Feb 18, 2022

  • The bracket has been cleared in preparation for the 2022 NCAA Tournament.
  • We’ll be adding the teams on March 13 after the 2022 Selection Sunday, but you can download the clean March Madness bracket now!

Mar 26, 2021

  • We’ve populated the Women’s 2021 Google Sheets and Excel template with this year’s teams. 
  • We’ve updated the dates on both the men and women’s March Madness brackets. 

Mar 15, 2021

  • We’ve populated the teams for the Men’s 2021 NCAA Tournament Google Sheets and Excel templates.
  • We’ll be updating the Women’s teams after the selection tonight!

Feb 27, 2021

  • We’ve cleared the bracket to get ready for the 2021 NCAA Tournament.
  • We’ll add the teams on March 15 after Selection Sunday, but feel free to download the blank bracket now!

Mar 18, 2019

  • The Selections from yesterday are in! The Google Sheet and Excel version of the Men’s 2019 NCAA Bracket have been updated with this year’s teams.

Feb 20, 2019

  • We’ve cleared the bracket to get ready for this years teams.
  • We’ll be filling in the teams come Selection Sunday, but feel free to grab the blank brackets now!

March 15, 2018

  • Updated the Men’s March Madness bracket to include the results for the First Four
  • Updated the Women’s March Madness bracket with all Selections

March 12, 2018

  • The Selections are in! The Google Sheet and Excel version of the Men’s NCAA March Madness Bracket have been updated with this year’s teams.
  • Added a Total Points Tiebreaker slot for the championship game. (Suggested by Jason)

Feb 21, 2018

  • I’ve cleared both the Microsoft Excel template and the Google Sheets version for both the Men’s and Woman’s Tournament. We’ll update it come Selection Sunday
  • I’ve updated the dates of the tourney this  year, though I think the April 2nd dates from the official site may be wrong5

Join the 184,127 NCAA Basketball Fans

that are already using our March Madness bracket!

Download the Men's 2025 March Madness Bracket!

Choose your spreadsheet preference

Download the Women's 2025 March Madness Bracket!

Choose your spreadsheet preference

200 thoughts on “2025 March Madness Bracket (Excel and Google Sheet)”

          1. March Madness Bracket Abaa4Fcd71D32F40E5C0C899319Ff3D0?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

            Just FYI … the buttons are backwards on the Women’s Bracket. The Google Sheets button downloads an Excel sheet and the Excel button takes you to a Google Sheets. 🙂

        1. March Madness Bracket 431E1580C1Babb792F2B200Ab270F95A?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

          I have also done a bracket spreadsheet – not as fancy as yours, but I put the two sides of the bracket on separate sheets of paper so I could print it and tape them together for manual updating offline. I suspect that nobody will find it helpful other than myself. If I knew a way to share the spreadsheet I would offer it.

  1. March Madness Bracket 46A7A33075800330E030Bb19804B55C9?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    I downloaded a copy of the bracket this morning to fill in my bracket and I noticed only one side of the bracket was working. The drop down menus on the right side of the bracket has the teams from the left side of the bracket listed.

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Uh Oh! Thanks for pointing that out! Not sure what happened there. I’ve updated it again so it should be working and be up-to-date for the completed games. Good luck with your picks!

  2. March Madness Bracket Efb3F60E62142C3310Bd214840297B60?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    the 2017 excel version of the Womens brackets is blank (e.g., not pre-populated with the team names). Will you record the team names today?

  3. March Madness Bracket 5F43D06E91114F8A42Dd834D9Fc8B52D?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Is there any way to pull the scores from a website like ESPN and put them in the bracket to move teams on automatically based on who has the higher score?

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Parker,

      That would be amazing. I won’t be able to do something like that for this season, but I’ll see what I can come up with for next year. I wonder if there are any API’s for services like that. I’ll look into and let you know!

  4. March Madness Bracket 8Fb4026Ecd7Cddf26671282Aa4F22Ff6?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    I like the this is set up, could u create a nfl playoff bracket the same way. I would for all picks to be sent to a spreadsheet with there names so all participants can see everybody results

  5. March Madness Bracket 5E9410D16099A086F07Fe7D615E8012A?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    So, will the bracket automatically fill up the teams after selection Sunday or will I need to manually type them in? Thanks!

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Jack! Thanks for downloading.

      This version is just the blank one, so it won’t auto update. But if you come back here after selection Sunday you can download the populated version, the links will be updated as soon as they announce the teams.

      Good luck with your picks!

  6. March Madness Bracket 6D391F86F78Eaa07Ed519A684A871E92?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Thought about doing one where you can add point spreads? We play one where we draw teams then winner is determined each game by team that covers point spread.

  7. March Madness Bracket F292Eba89931Ac0581F4257B4Bfcccaf?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    ALSO HAVE TO DO Delete one when i pick a winner

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Jon, I hadn’t updated the sheets yet after the selection yesterday, but they’re updated now.

      Nope, the dropdown automatically fill in from who you pick in the previous round. The teams playing in the First Four automatically update the name in the bracket based on the winner you pick at the bottom.

      Good luck with your bracket this year!

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      They seem to be working on mine. What version of Excel are you using? Sometimes the dropdown shows up funny on merged cells. In the new version of Excel sometimes it shows up closer to the middle, because that’s the first merged cell.

  8. March Madness Bracket 009F2B93Bd9766Dd1Ec422Ae52C6818A?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Awesome Bracket Man!

    Question is there a way to make a “Master Bracket” with subsequent brackets in other tabs. That way you can do automatic scoring for each round and all the subsequent brackets verify and score off the Master?

  9. March Madness Bracket Df4417Dfc545D8C15F74322644968Bfe?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    When I download the 2019 Men’s sheets for either excel or google sheets, none of the teams are loaded. Are they supposed to be or do I type in all the teams? I don’t mind typing them in, but your example above suggests that the teams should be there already filled out.

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Andrew,

      Thanks for downloading! The bracket is blank for now just because the teams that will be in the tournament haven’t been selected yet. If you check back on or after Selection Sunday I will update both versions to include this years lineup.

      Good luck with your picks!

  10. March Madness Bracket 3017Fee45Ec8615378Fa5A4D575B0315?S=50&D=Mm&R=G
    Kurt Michaelson

    I suggested to my father to download the women’s tournament bracket spreadsheet and the women’s teams are not populated. Have I missed something on this Google Sheet? The men’s Google Sheet is good to go.

  11. March Madness Bracket F26Cc1B03F0D32F2E5D5Db47D502C378?S=50&D=Mm&R=G
    James P McIntyre

    How does this work if you want Google Sheets to be where everybody creates their own bracket and submits it to my pool? I tried it with my personal account and my school account. When I made picks, it would change. Am I missing a step?

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey James,

      Thanks for downloading! Yeah, once you make a copy to your Google Account it would essentially be a single file, so if you shared that link with edit access with everyone, they would all be controlling the same version of the Google Sheet. You’d need to have everyone make their own copy. The link on our page has the Copy Code added to it, so when you follow the link you are automatically making a copy instead of editing the original. You could send that link to everyone in your pool to make their own or you could add “/copy” to the end of your link if you’ve made changes that you want to share to your version of the march madness bracket in Google Sheets.

      Let me know if that works for you & good luck with your picks!

  12. March Madness Bracket 48767Fd085321542Fffab453A8C3C8E1?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    This looks awesome!
    I’ve been using paper, then entering everybody’s picks via a Java program that I wrote. But this I could give them and have them do it.
    Right now the Excel Men’s 2021 just pops back to the same page. Just not there yet?

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Awesome thanks so much Mike!

      I just tested and seems to be working for me, make sure your browser isn’t blocking new windows as it opens the download link in a new tab.
      Let me know if you’re still having trouble.

      Thanks again!

      1. March Madness Bracket 48767Fd085321542Fffab453A8C3C8E1?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

        Weirdly, I tried again tonight. Click on Excel, after a slight delay it comes back to the same page.
        I right-click on Excel and choose “open in link in another tab” and it downloads.
        So I have it, but if anybody else asks …
        (This is in Chrome)

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Ashley,

      Clicking the links above should bring you to a screen that allows you to copy the Sheets document. If not, it’s most likely related to an organizational GSuite account rule. You could try with your personal account. You shouldn’t have to request to access it. The majority of the time I see this happening are with School GSuite accounts that the administrators have locked down.

  13. March Madness Bracket 282064116Ef88E9D0C89Ed5Bd9E9F62F?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    When I download the bracket it says that google blocks it and I did check to see if my settings are wrong but they are right. Can you fix that?

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Brooke, thanks for taking the time to check out my bracket. I’ll most likely have it updated this evening, give me an hour or two after the selection.

      Good luck with your picks!

  14. March Madness Bracket Ccd3149D799C01A2Ecfc8B3313E2C4D2?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    I just wanted to say thank you for organizing and putting this together. I am using this with my students this year. I will use both the Men’s and Women’s brackets. THANK YOU! 🙂

  15. March Madness Bracket 4E84D5F12405A8C62Ed4E5De70E3C6A4?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    I too will be using the men’s and women’s brackets with my 4th graders. When do you think the women’s bracket will include team names? Thanks for all you do!

        1. March Madness Bracket A772B1F6A468C6A6C82265C12C4Af9A8?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

          Good afternoon, Rick! We are using Google Sheets to complete our Men’s and Women’s brackets. However, we’re running into a snag with half of the class. I know the issue is in settings, but how can we successfully fill out our brackets without changing someone else’s picks? Do I need to make 26 individual Google Sheet copies? Thanks again for your time.

          1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

            Hey Brian,

            Yeah, if you are all sharing the same link, you would essentially just be editing one copy of the bracket. You could handle either two ways, by making copies of the whole spreadsheet for each student or making a new tab at the bottom for each student.

            To duplicate the sheet itself, have each student go to File > Make a copy and title theirs “Bracket – Rick” or something like that.
            To duplicate the tab, just right click and copy at the bottom, rename the tab after the student.

            If you copy the sheets it will be easier for the students to manger theirs, BUT at the end you’ll have XX number of files to check and you’ll need the students to all send you the URL of theirs.

            If you copy the tabs, it will be easier to see everything in one place, but you’ll most likely have students accidentally editing someone else’s tab. You could probably use the history to see who made what changes if there were any disputes.

            In the very limited knowledge of your project I have, I’d probably say duplicating the tabs is the way to go.

            Hope that helps!

  16. March Madness Bracket Da61Bbe23De15790783De1E4D58F8E55?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Solid help here my friend!! I made a ton of copies, named them for all my family, put them in a Google Drive folder with a shared link and now all can go in and fill theirs out!! No more “Hey, everyone join ESPN or CBS or whatever”!!! Awesome stuff y’all.

  17. March Madness Bracket 72Dc6Fd6518079C25638Fcae21476D42?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    This is so great I’ve been searching for months for a March Madness bracket that you can edit the teams and it has the first four. I would rate it 5 stars.

  18. March Madness Bracket 65E4Bf31F88F48Db32531839Ce3Fc0Ee?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Is there a way to do automatic scoring for office pools (or an Excel formula or data validation method)? (1st round=1 point, 2nd round=2 points, 3rd round=3 points, etc.)

  19. March Madness Bracket 637A396Ffae0Bd57F1E88F5C1Ffc47B2?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Your First 4 isn’t populating correctly in the Blank Bracket. Winner of 16 posts in the 11 Slot and Winner of 11 posts to 16 slot. Also, in the 11 game of First 4, the top Team doesn’t populate in the drop-down.

    Awesome Bracket, amazing work – thanks for all you put into this over the years!

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Tim, thanks so much!

      Thanks! Yeah the ranks in the bottom should be switched around. Once selection Sunday comes I’ll fix that up. Funny that nobody mentioned that last year and those ranks must have been messed up the entire time! I guess the teams were right, so nobody noticed! Thanks for pointing it out!

      Good luck with your picks this year!

  20. March Madness Bracket 114F84455Cd768571Cecfacc10C08252?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    This was by far the most elegantly simple bracket creator I found out of dozens that were either bad or close to good, but not quite. Thanks for the work you put into this so that I can focus on the fun part!

  21. March Madness Bracket Ee199D0Ded353A5B5E5B5C79A5Db62Ca?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    I’m running a bracket challenge for my school. Will have everyone’s brackets in one file with a bunch of different tabs. What would the formula be for tallying correct answers?

    Really excited to see how this works!
    Thanks for the resource!

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G


      You’ll have to set one tab as the Actual Score tab and then check the selection against that. Make sure you add that before duplicating the tab for all the entries to save a lot of work. Once you’re finished you could add a dashboard tab to show the summaries from all sheets. There isn’t a good way to automate referencing a dynamic amount of sheets, so you’d have to do this manually after all entry sheets are created, unless you want to get into macros.

      Good luck with your bracket!

  22. March Madness Bracket 036A97916Dbe7E22F1985E7D8Cae1575?S=50&D=Mm&R=G
    Scott M. Landsee

    This comment does not have anything to do with the spreadsheets. However, you have a spelling error at the top of the web page. “Madess” instead of Madness.

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Sophia,

      Yeah, I had temporarily removed it, since the seeds weren’t going to be the same this year as they were last year. I’ve updated the teams and updated the first four placement for the 2022 tournament.
      Let me know if you have any trouble.


  23. March Madness Bracket 9D29F0Bd6808F14Ba17522D691085142?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Will the teams be typed in or will the 16th/11 Seed mix up be fixed tonight? I don’t mind downloading it and typing in the names manually. I am not sure how to fix the 16th/11 Seed thing. Thanks!

  24. March Madness Bracket A8384095A7399Dbef7959F5B8F08A78A?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    When I download my bracket, it’s empty. first time user here but I thought the first round teams would be pre-populated. What am I missing?

  25. March Madness Bracket 05181Db6Dbc838Fdb88747E2941E334E?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Will you be doing the bracket manager file as well this year? Looking forward to it being available. Love your spreadsheets!

  26. March Madness Bracket 5006D4A6Bb55B74Cc395D5Fb071Ada1C?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Hello and thank you.

    When I fill it out and get to the Elite 8, I don’t see anything populate in the drop down menu.

  27. March Madness Bracket 7Efd497F41Cdaa3718Badb6Cd28D66A7?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Are there point values for the rounds/games? Will they auto-update or should we manually track those?

    Meaning – Rd of 64 = 1 point, Rd of 32, = 2pts, etc.

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Yes! I’m so sorry I had updated it yesterday but didn’t realised I changed the URL when I made a version with a First Four. I’ve copied the new version over to the old sheet, so if you load the URL again it should be working!

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Ahh! I had switched it yesterday, but since there was a First Four this year, I had created a new bracket and forgot to switch the URLS. I just copied the new tab to the old one, so if you try the link again it should be fixed!

      Good luck with your picks!

  28. March Madness Bracket A420Bbf29A2656457F95Bb4338360A62?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Be nice if you have a master sheet you could enter winners and it would color or cross out losers…..

    Also, have a section to help you score, where you could input points per round.

  29. March Madness Bracket 2Da9F8Bda747C6015B6113F4C308Ecce?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Good afternoon, I know I am way ahead of the game but I was wondering if you had plans of doing this for the 2023 brackets as well? It worked out perfect for us last year! Thanks!

  30. March Madness Bracket E8C54A3Bed1E06722B1F2E7Cb7Bdf659?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    I’m looking at running an office pool 75+ people. The company doesn’t want to use a 3rd party platform (ie yahoo, espn). Do you have a way to score that many brackets without having to do it manually?

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Mark, we don’t have anything like that built in. I’ve been meaning to add that for a couple years though, it’s a good idea. I’ll try to get it done this year, but it won’t be ready for the 2023 tournament. Good luck with your pool!

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Megan, sorry they were updated yesterday, but the Excel version seemed to be caching the unpopulated bracket. Should be fixed now, if you still get the blank one let me know.

  31. March Madness Bracket 2Da9F8Bda747C6015B6113F4C308Ecce?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Awesome, thank you so much! The men are so competitive this year, I think it is really up for grabs. But of Course, being from Iowa, we hope Caitlin and the Hawkeyes will go all the way this year!

  32. March Madness Bracket 87D73509719Dacee460B16B398Cc350B?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Hi Rick,
    Thank you for creating these Google Sheets! Note: I downloaded the template and it is for 2023. Do you plan to release the 2024 bracket?

  33. March Madness Bracket 1Cd96Ee1F8E6D42E8Ff11Ee4Ed19790B?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Would love to know a way to save one of these for future Men’s NCAA tournaments and just simply change dates, teams, etc. This is an enjoyable way to keep track of the tournament/picks.

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      You can definitely edit it for other tournaments. What tournaments are you looking foR? If you give me about a week heads up, I can definitely make it for you. Just point me to a page that lists the teams.

  34. March Madness Bracket 2D6Aac1F51155148501B43Bd26409E19?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Hey! Any chance we could get a leaderboard based off the google sheets? Or some directions on perhaps what formulas to use?

  35. March Madness Bracket 363Cf70373B13Cb54A19E167C5Ab802E?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    I really like your bracket, thanks for sharing it. We do a for fun (no money involved) bracket challenge at work, and I would like to know if there is any way you could add a tracking sheet? I would put the the teams in the bracket, and enter the names and there would be drop boxes on the second (tracking) sheet where I would put the employees picks. Then, when the winners of the first round are put into the bracket, it would put those team on the tracking sheet as the options for the second round, and so on. I had one several years ago, but the formulas are messed up and they aren’t working any longer, and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out how to fix them.

  36. March Madness Bracket 1Cd96Ee1F8E6D42E8Ff11Ee4Ed19790B?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Do you have any step-by-step guide into how we can create our own 64-team NCAA mens bracket? Your bracket is great – but would like to try my hand at my own and see what else I can add to it?

  37. March Madness Bracket 1Cd96Ee1F8E6D42E8Ff11Ee4Ed19790B?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    Your brackets are top not – but – I would like to learn how to develop my own brackets and master bracket.

    Is there any guidance/steps you can provide me with for this? Thank you in advance. And thank you for what you do.

  38. March Madness Bracket D41Eee230343705Cc5E86B99F929Eb8A?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    For the men’s bracket, the picks are not populating correctly. If you pick Auburn and Creighton and move down to the next picks, Auburn and Creighton keep coming up.

    1. March Madness Bracket 97847C5561373E938B4C0671Eccdef07?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

      Hey Katrina, thanks for checking out the bracket. If you were to pick Auburn and Creighton winning their games in Round 1, they would be against each other in Round 2, so the dropdown for Round 3 (Sweet 16) will show Auburn/Creighton as the options because you’re picking who wins Round 2 and moves on to Round 3. Good luck with your bracket!

  39. March Madness Bracket 32E8391560E8164D11A65Bb88Eb880A1?S=50&D=Mm&R=G

    wondering if you have a spreadsheet for the organizer, that will total up the points of all the players

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